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Friday, September 24, 2010

FRIDAY FAVORITES - The Crippled Lamb

I am so excited to share with you my FRIDAY FAVORITES item. The good thing about this product, is that absolutely anyone can enjoy it and benefit from it. Children of all ages, adults, strong Christians, and those that may not have a personal relationship with Christ.

The Crippled Lamb, written by one of my favorites, Max Lucado, is a beautiful book, equally in illustration, content, and spirit. It will warm your heart everytime you read it. As one review read, “It is sure to move even the hardest of hearts.”

This book is a beautiful story of a little lamb named Joshua that is very much different than the other lambs. He can’t run, jump, and play, for he has a bad leg. Because of this, he often feels sad and left out – except when his best friend Abigail, an old, wise cow, is around.

Abigail spent most days telling Joshua, “Don’t be sad, little Joshua. God has a special place for those who feel left out.” But it was still hard, and he often felt alone.

Then, one special night, when Joshua was feeling extra low, God put him in such a special place at the most special time, and little Joshua realized that God has heard his prayer and gave him an answer that will give you chills … and move you to tears! It was then that he understood why he had been born with a crippled leg.

This is a story that, although is more of a Christmas story, can and should be shared year-round. I actually just finished reading it again to Ella, and I just glowed as it sparked a wonderful, meaningful, and in-depth conversation with her.

We have the small board book, which is great for the children right now, however I would love to get the nice hardback copy to place on my coffee table to enjoy the beautiful illustrations and also as a reminder that God has a special place and purpose for each and every one of us. He created each of us differently for a reason and we are all equally important.

Next Time a Sunrise Steals Your Breath or a Meadow of Flowers Leaves You Speechless, Remain that Way. Say Nothing and Listen as Heaven Whispers,
"Do you like it? I did it just for you."- Max Lucado

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