Read My Apple Tree Story here.

Monday, November 8, 2010

When Our Hearts Ache, So Does God's

I picked Ella up from (pre)school today, started asking how her day was, and then she immediately burst into tears, sobbing a true sob, and told me how she wasn't invited to ____'s birthday party. She had told Ella today that she was having a Hannah Montana (didn't know that 4 yr olds watched this!!) party and that she wouldn't like it because Ella likes the Princesses. She was so hurt. But it was a different kind of hurt. One that I have yet to experience with her.

Oh how my heart ached.

Of course all of this was happening while I was driving. I could not comfort my child. What happened next will be something I will remember probably forever, as any parent would.

Ella still sobbing, reached out to Wilson, said "Hold my hand buddy" and as he reached his hand to hers and held the whole way home, I couldn't help but turn my own tears into a smile.

As I was talking Ella through all of this, trying my best to keep things on a positive note, Ella kindly says to me, "Momma, we'll have to make sure to invite ____ to my birthday next year."

God surely was present, and I saw it in so many ways, and on so many levels today. I know that I cannot keep my children in bubbles, as much as I would like to. I have to push through these tough parenting moments and I know now, more than ever, the importance of giving my children to God, to His care and keeping. When our hearts ache, so does HIS.

The way that Ella and Wilson "took care" of each other, even on this simple level, is a moment I will treasure forever. That kind of love is similar to God's love for us. It is so unconditional ... so pure ... so real.

Our God is such a loving God and He is doing amazing, incredible things in our lives. When we go to Him, willing and eager to experience His amazing power and His indescribable love, He will do immeasurable more than we could ever imagine. His love for us is that much -- that abundant. When we give our lives and our childrens lives to God, He will bless us. He knows our needs. He knows the desires of our hearts.


  1. I am glad she asked for Wilson hand to comfort her. I tell you being a "mom" to two older girls - its hard sometimes even now. We are around the sweet sixteen age with lots of parties. She still gets hurt at this age if she isn't invited. Of course your daughter is much younger and its hard for her to understand probably WHY? she wasn't invited. Good luck in the coming years.

  2. Thanks for stopping by my blog! Your babies are so precious... and oh my, I found my heart aching after your story about Ella. Ugh! Not looking forward to those moments! I love how your devotion to Christ is evident through your writings and I can't wait to read more about your family!

  3. This is absolutely precious. As someone lucky enough to have a little brother, I can tell you that this relationship will continue to flourish and provide support for both of them through the years. Obviously you have cultivated a special closeness there and it will get them both through a lot of hard times.



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