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Monday, January 24, 2011

I want Jesus

I want Jesus. I want more of Him. I want to surrender myself totally and completely to God's purposes. I know that only He will bring me the most pleasure and satisfaction in this life here on Earth and in Heaven.

I don't want to be a "lukewarm" Christian. God doesn't want me some of the time ... halfhearted. He doesn't want me on Sunday mornings, and when I am going through a hard or stressful time. He wants ALL of me.

But how do I get there? In all reality, as a mom of 2 young children, I am finding it a struggle to find the time and passion I need to really grow in His word and truly shine for Him. My desire is present, but I am struggling.

How do you do it?

God is able to do immeasurably more than all we could ask or imagine.
Ephesians 3:20


  1. It is so great to have encouragement that other moms miss it here too. I also struggle with being as passionate about the things of God as I need to. Some days, it is even a major accomplishment to open my Bible. If I find that I can't have the "quiet time" I crave, I will just read the Word while my son is playing. Not only does it provide time with God that I need, but it also provides my son with the example that it is important to spend time in the Word and in prayer. Keep that attitude of wanting more and your rhythm will work out.

  2. Jesus has been on my mind recently. I have been rethinking commitment to him. Your decoration is beautiful. You have inspired me.

  3. Britton - This sounds so familiar. It is hard, and I don't know how to do it . . . other than to just keep trying. Find time for quiet devotion every day, and ask that God tap me on the shoulder as much as I need it. Which is sometimes every other minute! It is nice to know we aren't alone in these struggles. Thanks for sharing. Courtney

  4. Seriously I could have wrote this post! It seems like an on-going struggle for us mom's. I too would love to have that super connection with Christ and I want more of it. Someone told me last week, to be *selfish* with my time in prayer, scripture study, and worship. I am going to do just that :)It is time for more of us to get *selfish*. I love your blog and your words are very encouraging and uplifting, thanks for stopping by.



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